Thank you voters for passing Measure U!

AND better public spaces!

On November 8th, 2022, Oakland voters passed Measure U with the strong support of over 72% of the voters, exceeding the 66% needed to pass. This is a win for our city and brings renewed hope that our new recreation center and community resiliency center at Lincoln Square Park will get the funding needed to proceed with construction.

Measure U authorizes the City to issue $850 million in bonds, including $350 million for the affordable housing, $290 million in funds to pave streets, and the remaining $210 million will address capital improvement priorities by improving public spaces and other Oakland facilities like the Lincoln Recreation Center.

Measure U follows Measure KK, which voters passed in 2016. Measure KK provided initial funds to begin our planning and design process for a new Lincoln Recreation Center. While the funds have not yet been allocated, we hope Measure U will provide much needed construction funding for the City to close the gap and realize our community vision.

We are grateful Oakland voters approved Measure U and will be keeping a close eye on how these funds are allocated.


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