Lincoln Summer Nights 2023 is a wrap!

In Oakland Chinatown there is a certain magic in the air on the second Thursday of the month during the summer. From the moment you step into Lincoln Square, it is as though you are in an oasis, where everyone belongs. The collective spirit and safety that LSN provides is exactly why we are always excited to see Lincoln Summer Nights begin each spring, and we dread to see it leave as summer turns into fall.

The 2023 edition of Lincoln Summer Nights was phenomenal! We saw record crowds, amazing performances from groups like Circus Bella, Destiny Muhammad, EBALDC Dance Troop, and Noble Tower Dance Troop.

But most importantly, we built and celebrated community with all of you. Thank you for making Lincoln Summer Nights such a huge success. We can’t wait until next summer!

Thanks to all of our supporters who made Lincoln Summer Nights possible: East Bay Community Energy, Oakland Chinatown Improvement Council (OCIC), Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities, and Alameda County.


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